Hernia Surgery: Recovery (2025)

The hernia recovery timeline varies from patient to patient depending on several factors including the type of surgery, any complications with the hernia, and other medical conditions that may be present.

Generally speaking, it's likely you won't have to spend the night in the hospital and will spend the next day or two taking it easy. You should be able to start doing light activities during the first two weeks, working up to more strenuous activities over the next several weeks. Usually, a full recovery from hernia surgery takes four to six weeks.

A full and proper recovery is essential for the success of hernia surgery. This article will break down the hernia recovery timeline so you know what to expect as you heal. It will also offer tips on achieving a successful recovery by caring for yourself after surgery, including through pain management, wound care, diet, and more.

Hernia Surgery: Recovery (1)

Hernia Recovery Timeline

The specific timing of recovery from hernia surgery depends on the individual case and can vary. However, in all cases, the idea is to ensure that the procedure was a success and that the incisions are healing properly. In each phase, you should follow the healthcare provider’s orders and be monitoring your progress.

The timing of your recovery will look something like this:

  • Before leaving the hospital: Immediately after your surgery, you’ll be taken to a recovery room, where you’ll rest and have your vitals monitored. Once you’re able to defecate and urinate normally—and barring any other complications—you should be cleared to leave.
  • Deep breathing within the first 24 hours or more: As your practitioner will tell you, it’s important to breathe deeply in the first few days following hernia surgery. Sitting up as straight as possible, take a slow deep breath in from your belly. Hold your breath for two to five seconds, and slowly breathe out through your mouth, making an "O" shape with your lips. Your practitioner may ask you to repeat this 10 to 15 times and will tell you how many times an hour you need to do these deep-breathing exercises. You can also practice these exercises in preparation for your surgery.
  • Showering within 48 hours: Generally, you can take a shower about 24 to 48 hours after your surgery. This will depend on the type of surgery you had and the wound dressing. Your healthcare provider will tell you when it's OK for you to start taking a shower and how you need to care for the wound. You may need to wait up to two weeks before taking a bath, immersing yourself in water, and going swimming.
  • Driving within 48 hours: Since hernia surgery often involves general anesthesia (in which you are put to sleep), you should avoid driving for a minimum of 48 hours following the treatment. Arrange for someone to drive you home from the hospital. Also, avoid driving if you are taking narcotic pain medication like opioids.
  • Moving around within 48 to 72 hours: In the early stages of recovery, you will be encouraged to walk around a little once an hour. If that isn’t possible, you may be asked to wear compression stockings, or, if you have cardiac problems, take blood-thinning drugs. These measures prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Lighter activity after one to two weeks: You should be able to resume lighter activity and non-strenuous work or schooling within two weeks of having hernia surgery. You may be asked not to lift anything heavier than 15 pounds for the first two weeks. The strain of exercise—especially lifting heavy objects—can put you in danger of re-herniation or other problems.
    Notably, if you’re sexually active, you’ll be told to abstain from sex for at least two weeks. During this time, you should be gradually and carefully increasing your level of activity. However, be sure not to overdo it, and get your healthcare provider’s OK before starting any new exercises.
  • More strenuous activity at six weeks to six months: In many cases, complete recovery is expected at six weeks; at that point, you’ll be able to truly resume your normal level of activity. More complex cases may require a longer period of recovery, with some cases taking up to six months.
    Get your surgeon’s clearance before starting up heavier exercise or lifting heavy objects (whether for work or in the gym). In complex cases, it’ll take up to six months before you can engage in such activities.

Throughout your recovery time, be attentive to how you’re feeling, and make sure to be communicative with your medical staff. If anything feels off, don’t hesitate to let them know.

At-Home Care After Surgery

When you get home from the hospital, you'll find that many factors can affect your hernia recovery timeline. Recovery is a process of not only managing pain and caring for the surgical wound, but also paying attention to your diet and emotional well-being.

Pain Management

One of the most pressing, at least in the early on, will be the pain and discomfort. Here's how to manage it.

Over-the-counter Pain Medications

Whether or not you are prescribed stronger, pharmaceutical pills to manage pain, you’ll likely be advised to take over-the-counter medicine. In many cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be used as indicated.

Let the medical team know if you have a history of kidney, liver, or heart problems as these can be affected by these drugs.

Prescription Pain Medications

For more intense pain and especially earlier on following surgery, you may be prescribed an opioid drug such as Percocet, Vicodin, or Oxycontin to help ease your pain. It’s important to note that these are highly addictive and should be taken only as directed.

Side effects include sleepiness, lowered heart rate and blood pressure, reduced respiration, nausea, constipation, and skin rash, among others. Be as sparing as you can be with opioid medications, and once you no longer need them, take any leftovers back to the pharmacy for disposal.

Non-Medical Approaches

Some patients may want to attempt recovery with little to no medication. Healthcare providers recommend trying distraction—e.g., listening to your favorite music, playing games, or taking part in activities that ease anxiety or stress—as a means to get your mind off pain.

Applying a cold compress to the incision area for 15 to 20 minutes at a time can help with pain in the first few days. It can also help with swelling. Wrap the compress or ice in a towel to help prevent cold injury to your skin.

Another approach comes from psychiatry: the use of guided imagery. This involves closing your eyes, breathing very deeply, and picturing yourself in an ideal location or a “happy place.” Over time, you should be able to feel positive emotions related to where you are, leaving you calmer and more in control.

Keep in mind that, while some pain is expected as you heal, too much will get in the way of your recovery (and can be a sign that something else is wrong). Don’t let yourself suffer in silence and communicate with the surgeon about how you’re feeling.


As you're recovering from hernia surgery, it's important to pay attention to what you're eating. During your recovery, getting enough fiber and drinking enough fluids is important to prevent constipation after surgery.

Here's what you can do to promote regular bowel movements:

  • Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Enjoy these healthy sources of fiber in as close to their natural state as possible.
  • Cut back on cheeses and meat as these foods can cause constipation.
  • Drink water throughout the day to stay well hydrated.

Wound Care

Whether you have open or laparoscopic hernia surgery, an important component of a successful outcome is proper care of the incisions the surgeon made to correct the problem. Infection of the wound can turn into a serious problem.

Prevent infection to ensure a complete recovery. Here are some tips to keep in mind when caring for a surgical incision:

  • Sanitation: Wash your hands thoroughly before touching anywhere in or around the incision(s) and after removing an old dressing.
  • Bathing: Avoid taking a full bath while stitches, staples, Steri-Strips, or other adhesives are holding the wound closed. Showering is OK, though be gentle with the incisions.
  • Changing bandages: Your healthcare provider will give you guidance as to when and how to change bandages.
  • Drainage: A small amount of drainage caught in the bandages is expected, but let your practitioner know as soon as possible if they are soaked in blood.
  • Steri-Strips: If Steri-Strips are used to close up the incision, expect them to fall off on their own within seven to 10 days; don’t take them off yourself.
  • Glue covering: As with Steri-Strips, incisions held together with a glue-like covering should be allowed to run their course and the covering will eventually flake off on its own.
  • Clothing: Try not to wear tight-fighting clothing or fabric that could chafe the region.
  • Covering up: Make sure the wound is not exposed to direct sunlight, especially once new skin has started to grow.

It typically takes about four to six weeks for the area to fully heal; the scar may start off darker and coarser than other areas, but it will soften over time.

Emotional Care

Recovery from surgery can also be emotionally challenging; though not always the case, patients have reported feeling upset, depressed, nervous, irritable, weepy, and sad following treatment. It's a sensitive time, and emotional support may be needed to get through it.

Opening up to loved ones can help, and, if things are very difficult, professional counselors or other mental health professionals can be there for you, too. Let your healthcare provider know about how you are physically and emotionally as they, too, can connect you with support. Good outcomes from surgery are always a team effort.

Scheduling Follow-Up Appointments

You will need to have a follow-up appointment so your healthcare provider can check on your progress. The follow-up appointment takes place about two weeks after the operation. In more complex cases, an additional follow-up appointment may be necessary.

At the appointment, talk to your healthcare provider about your recommended level of activity for where you are in the healing process. You may be cleared for more strenuous activity, or you may have restrictions for a little while longer.

Unlike with some other surgeries, physical therapy isn’t typically a part of the recovery process. Throughout the healing process, it’s essential in this time that you keep your healthcare provider and medical team updated on your progress.

When to Contact Your Healthcare Provider

As you’re recovering, contact your practitioner immediately if you’re experiencing any signs of infection, including:

  • Severe pain or soreness
  • Incisions that are bleeding or red or warm to the touch
  • Thick, yellow, green, or pus-like drainage from the incision(s)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Lightheadedness that doesn't go away after a few days
  • Chills or a fever of more than 101 F
  • Warmth or redness at the incision site
  • Trouble urinating
  • For natal males: swelling or pain in the testicles that is getting worse

Signs of Infection After Surgery


Recovery from hernia surgery is a process, and it will take some time and adjustments before you’re fully back on track. Everyone's hernia surgery recovery timeline will be a little different. By following your healthcare provider's advice, you can avert complications that can prolong healing.

In the recovery phase, take it easy in the first few days after surgery. As you heal, you'll be able to do non-strenuous activities within the first few weeks. Gradually you work your way up to more strenuous activity as you reach complete recovery, which is usually at six weeks.

In the months following hernia surgery, it’s important to monitor your progress and let your medical team know if anything seems off, or if you are struggling emotionally or physically. Listen to your body and don’t be afraid to speak up.

Hernia Surgery: Recovery (2025)


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