The Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results (2025)

About 9% of people assigned male at birth of reproductive age struggle with fertility issues. When you want a child and are struggling to conceive, uncertainty about the root of your fertility problems can take an emotional toll on your relationship and life. Although at-home sperm tests can’t replace a comprehensive medical fertility examination, they can be a great starting place to gather basic information about reproductive health.Each parent’s fertility plays a role in the odds of conception—with “male factor” infertility playing a role in up to half of cases of difficulty conceiving—so it’s important to look for markers of the reproductive health of both parents. For people who were assigned male at birth, this typically means looking primarily at several markers that sperm are healthy, including sperm count and concentration and the shape and movement of sperm. Hormones such as testosterone and estradiol are also sometimes measured because they play a role in the production of healthy sperm.

As the home testing industry grows, the options for home sperm tests are ever-expanding. There are many options, but not all are created equal, and some may serve your needs better than others. We reviewed 14 different at-home fertility testing companies. We asked users to share information regarding the cost, time-to-results, ease of use, type of test, and support provided. We sought to curate a list of at-home semen test kits to fit a variety of needs.

What do Sperm Tests do?

At-home sperm tests offer a private and generally easy way to check overall fertility health, including semen volume, sperm quality, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and sperm morphology.To some extent, fertility is a numbers game. The more sperm are in each milliliter of semen (sperm concentration), the more likely one will reach and fertilize an egg. However, the sperm must also be healthy enough to swim to an egg (motility), and only healthy sperm can penetrate and fertilize an egg. Morphology refers to the shape and form of sperm, and this metric is a good indicator of the overall health of the sperm.

With an at-home test, you will collect a sample of semen and either use a home analyzer device or send the sample to a lab that can assess the sperm within that sample for these key metrics. However, many other factors can affect fertility, such as hormones, including testosterone.

What Healthcare Providers Want You to Know

  • Casual use: These tests are a great option for casual use. Medical professionals will want patients to undergo clinical testing for anything more serious. An at-home test will not include thorough interpretation and guidance from a medical professional. Since it relies on the user instead of a professional to collect the sample, there's a greater margin for error. Errors in sample collection can lead to incorrect or inconclusive results.
  • FDA approval: Only some of the at-home semen testing kits are widely accepted by medical professionals. That’s because not all tests are FDA-cleared (the gold standard for these products) or have been validated in peer-reviewed research, meaning their accuracy has been confirmed. However, some tests have been validated and FDA-cleared.
  • At-home results vs. lab results: Some test kits offer at-home results in minutes, while others require users to ship the specimen to a lab for testing. Typically, at-home tests only test a few of the fertility factors and can be more prone to human error, while lab-tested semen can offer a larger picture of male fertility.
  • Consider your budget: At-home semen testing is far less expensive than traditional fertility clinic testing. However, the costs can still add up. If you require a simple one-time test, then any of the kits would be a great fit. If you plan to test frequently or over a period of time, you should consider a service that offers a subscription plan or inexpensive kits.
  • Insurance: Some insurance plans cover fertility testing and treatments. Be sure to check the website of whatever testing company you choose to see if it accepts your insurance. Additionally, some companies that do not accept insurance will take FSA or HSA payments.
  • Efficacy: Many at-home sperm tests promise greater than 95% accuracy, but there are some signs you can look for to verify that. For one, if a test is analyzed in a CLIA- or CAP-certified lab, that’s a good sign. These regulatory bodies ensure tests are being done correctly in laboratories. Look for a test that is FDA-cleared or that has been studied or used in research published in peer-reviewed journals. These are all good signs that the test has been validated and is trusted by medical experts.

When to See a Healthcare Provider

At-home sperm tests are a good starting place, but if you want a full picture of your overall fertility and guidance for improving your chances of conceiving, you’ll want to see a fertility specialist. Any health concerns should be discussed with a doctor who will run additional tests to form a clearer health profile.

The Best At-Home Sperm Tests of 2024

The 6 Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results

The 6 Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results

  • Our Top Picks
  • Legacy For Today Kit
  • Labcorp Men’s Rapid Fertility Test
  • Fellow Semen Analysis
  • MyLAB Box At Home Male Fertility Test
  • LetsGetChecked Male Hormone Advanced
  • See More (3)
  • What do Sperm Tests do?

  • What Healthcare Providers Want You to Know

  • When to See a Healthcare Provider

  • Compare Providers

  • Who Are At-Home Sperm Tests For?

Best for Testing and Freezing : Legacy For Today Kit

The Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results (1)

  • Cost: $395+
  • Time to Receive Results: 48 hours after lab receives specimen
  • What’s Measured: Semen volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, motile sperm count, sperm morphology, post-thaw analysis

Take 10% off all products when you use code VERYWELL at checkout (no expiration date)

Why We Chose It

Legacy’s kits test five key factors: sperm motility, concentration, and volume and sperm morphology and total sperm count. Together, these provide a good picture of how healthy sperm are and how many are in each ejaculate (the more you have, the better the odds are that one will fertilize an egg). Plus, you have the option to freeze and preserve samples for artificial insemination.

Pros & Cons


  • FDA registered and HIPAA-compliant

  • Same-day sample pick-up

  • Works with insurance


  • Sample collection is only recommended Monday-Thursday


Legacy was founded in 2018 by Khaled Kteily, who sought to create a more discreet semen collection service after poor personal experiences in traditional fertility clinics. His company offers at-home semen test kits and a cryogenic freezing service that is designed to offer its users discretion, convenience, and comprehensive results. And with the Legacy “For Today” kit, users can collect their semen samples at home and then send them off to a certified lab for testing and (if desired) cryogenic freezing and storage. Sperm freezing can be particularly useful because men's fertility and sperm health decline with age.

Your results will include analysis of how many sperm you’re producing, how concentrated your sperm are each time you ejaculate, whether the sperm are normally shaped, concentration, and how well they can move around—five key factors of sperm health assessed by fertility doctors. We also like that Legacy offers consultations with fertility experts to help you interpret your results and figure out what your next steps should be.

All information collected by legacy is confidential and HIPAA-compliant. The test results provide detailed information regarding semen volume, sperm concentration, sperm morphology and motility. Additionally, names are not required and users can be assigned a client ID instead. Legacy uses Halosperm testing technology, which is widely used in the fertility industry. Scientists validated that the method still works well with shipped sperm samples, a stamp of approval that we love to see. But, a word of advice to ensure precise results, from nurse and industry expert Lindsay Modglin: “Use the kit within seven days, abstain from ejaculating up to five days prior, wash hands and genitals before use. User error can affect the accuracy of the test results.”

This test kit costs $295 and includes comprehensive semen testing and analysis of five key markers: sperm motility and concentration, semen volume, sperm morphology, and total sperm count.

Best for Fast Results : Labcorp Men’s Rapid Fertility Test

The Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results (2)

  • Cost: $199
  • Time to Receive Results: 45 minutes
  • What’s Measured: Sperm count

Why We Chose It

Labcorp’s Men’s Rapid Fertility test allows users to skip the shipping and lab wait times, and instead get immediate test results in the privacy of their home. The FDA-approved test arrives at your door with everything you need to successfully self-test and understand the results.

Pros & Cons


  • Can be done completely at home

  • FDA-cleared tests

  • Fast results

  • Refill kits offered for $99


  • Possibility of user error

  • Does not accept insurance


Labcorp’s Men’s Rapid Fertility test allows the user to collect and get a quick semen analysis in minutes, without ever leaving home. The kit measures sperm count and concentration—how many sperm are in an ejaculate, and how densely sperm are packed in a milliliter of semen. The test’s easy-to-read end results make this test a fantastic option for someone wanting to monitor their sperm count on a regular basis; refills are $99. Each kit comes with two vessels so that you can measure any progress and analyze any lifestyle changes and their effect on their sperm count.

We love that this test is FDA-approved and very easily accessible. However, sperm concentration and semen volume are only two factors that could impact your fertility status. For a complete assessment of your reproductive health, it’s best to consult your physician for s comprehensive fertility panel. The Men’s Rapid Fertility test costs $199. For those wanting to regularly test, refills are $99.

Best for Semen Analysis : Fellow Semen Analysis

The Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results (3)

  • Cost: $189
  • Time to Receive Results: Within a few days of testing
  • What’s Measured: Sperm volume, concentration, count, motility, morphology

Why We Chose It

Fellow’s at-home Semen Analysis kit provides many of the same insights into how many sperm you are producing and how healthy they are that you would traditionally get from a fertility clinic—but without the hassle or heftier price of a visit to a doctor.

Pros & Cons


  • Promises anonymity to users

  • FDA-approved and CLIA-certified

  • Offers cryostorage


  • Does not accept HSA/FSA payments

  • Not available in all states


Fellow’s fertility kits’ users praise its ease, comfort, and accuracy. Unlike many testing companies, Fellow owns and operates a CLIA-certified lab (the testing industry’s gold standard).Its semen analysis kits provide comprehensive results on six important fertility markers. It measures semen volume, sperm volume and semen concentration—how much semen you produce, how many sperm are in your semen, and how densely they are packed in a single milliliter, all of which offer an insight into the odds of a sperm reaching an egg. It also analyzes the motility and motile count, figures that tell you how well your sperm swim, and how many of the sperm found in your sample are moving around. And, the test assesses the morphology, or shape, of your sperm, which is a good indicator of whether they are healthy and capable of fertilizing an egg once they reach it.

While it offers complex insights, the process of semen testing with Fellow is simple and straightforward. Each kit includes a semen sample container, a vial of preservation solution, instructions for use, a temperature sensor, a gel pack, and prepaid return shipping information. A few days after you mail in your sample, results will be available on the Fellow app. Not only is testing with Fellow easy, but the company has gone to great lengths to prove its accuracy and dedication to privacy. “Fellow openly claims they'll never share or sell user data,” says Modglin. “It also claims to destroy testing samples immediately after analysis. Data is stored in an encrypted database and a physician approves all results. The company is peer-reviewed, meaning it's been evaluated for accuracy and efficacy.”

If sperm cryopreservation is something you are interested in, that is available as well, for $140 a year. It can be an add-on to the sperm analysis test, which costs $189. If you choose cryopreservation, in addition to the test, you will receive three vials that will be preserved by Fellow until you are ready to conceive.

Best for Fertility Improvement Tips : MyLAB Box At Home Male Fertility Test

  • Cost: $89
  • Time to Receive Results: 2-5 days
  • What’s Measured: Sperm count, sperm quality, motility

Why We Chose It

MyLAB Box offers a simple and straightforward at-home fertility test. Its At-Home Male Fertility test is a great way for men to check their reproductive health, or for men who have recently had a vasectomy who want to ensure their sperm count is non-existent.

Pros & Cons


  • Results ready in as little as 5 days

  • Labs are CAP- and CLIA-certified

  • FDA registered company


  • Does not share results with your doctor

  • Does not accept insurance


MyLAB Box offers accessible and accurate at-home fertility testing kits, including its $89 At-Home Male Fertility Test. The results will give you a clear picture of your current sperm count, sperm quality, and motility. Each test kit includes a testing device, two semen analysis test kits, semen collection cups, fertility improvement apps, and user instructions. MyLAB Box recommends testing twice to get an accurate baseline.

The myLAB Box app will show results of your test two to five days from sample receipt, and as part of the home sperm test,you’ll receive a recorded video of your sample under a microscope, so you can see for yourself how concentrated your sperm are, how their shapes vary, and how well they move around. The feature is popular with users, who found it a helpful way to visualize what their sperm test results mean.The video will be available on the app for download or sharing with doctors or your partner and offers a clear visual reference to complement your motile sperm concentration and score results.

While these results may be a good starting point in your fertility journey and offer some helpful visual aids, “according to fine print found on the company's website, tests are meant to educate and provide guidance, not diagnose infertility,” cautions Modglin. “Testing shouldn't replace an in-person evaluation from a healthcare provider.”

Best Budget : Bird & Be At-Home Sperm Test

The Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results (5)

  • Cost: $80 (for two tests)
  • Time to Receive Results: 20 minutes
  • What’s Measured: Motile sperm concentration and quality

Why We Chose it

Bird & Be’s at-home sperm test provides fundamental insights into your sperm quality and quantity using a highly accurate technology at an amazing price—in just 20 minutes.

Pros & Cons


  • Very affordable

  • Rapid results

  • Video included

  • FDA-approved


  • Offers fewer sperm metrics than other tests

  • No consultation


Bird & Be is a relative newcomer to the home sperm testing market, founded in 2019. But the company has strategically partnered with YoSperm and Medical Electronic Systems (which owns YoSperm) to offer affordable, discreet home sperm tests. The YoSperm home sperm analyzer is one of the most widely used devices of its kind and among the few that are FDA-cleared.

Bird & Be claims its at-home sperm test is over 97% accurate at describing your motile sperm concentration and quality. The first metric tells you how many sperm within a single milliliter are moving around healthily enough to swim to an egg, while sperm quality refers to the shape or morphology of your sperm—another indicator of how healthy sperm are.

You plug the device into a computer or smartphone and connect it to Wifi. Using the included cup, you’ll collect your sample, add a liquifying powder also included in the kit, wait 10 minutes, then put a few drops onto the Wifi-connected sample card. After two minutes, you’ll be able to see a microscope-enhanced video of how your sperm are moving and the results analyzing them on your screen. And it all happens in just 20 minutes. Better yet, the $80 kit comes with two tests, so you can do another test later to see if there have been any changes.

Best for Additional Insights : LetsGetChecked Male Hormone Advanced

The Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results (6)

  • Cost: $179
  • Time to Receive Results: 2-5 days
  • What’s Measured: Testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), free androgen index (FAI), estradiol and prolactin

Why We Chose It

LetsGetChecked was one of the first companies to provide access to at-home fertility test kits. Its complete male hormone test kit analyzes five important markers: Testosterone, free androgen index (FAI), prolactin, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and estradiol.

Pros & Cons


  • Comprehensive analysis of five important markers

  • Free nurse consultation to discuss results

  • Offers subscriptions that lessen the cost


  • Does not accept health insurance

  • Not permitted for use in NY


Peter Foley founded LetsGetChecked in 2015 to provide an easier and faster way to diagnose health concerns. The company offers a host of testing kits that range from general well-being to specific hormones and men’s and women's fertility. The company’s website encourages male sperm and semen testing as well as hormone testing for overall health, not just fertility. It explains that hormonal imbalances in men can cause low energy and sex drive, obesity, anxiety, depression, headaches, blurred vision, low bone density, erectile dysfunction, and infertility.

Most male fertility tests focus on assessing the quality and amount of sperm a man is producing. But a whole team of hormones is required for healthy sperm to be produced. Prolactin is a hormone that helps predict how much testosterone your body makes. The vast majority of testosterone binds to a protein also measured by the test kit, called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), so measuring that protein against your total testosterone indicates how much testosterone is free for other purposes, like sperm production. That figure is called the free androgen index (FAI) Some testosterone gets turned into estradiol, which also assists in sperm-making. This test kit measures all of these hormones and indicators involved in the sperm pipeline, and knowing where they’re going awry can help determine what changes could improve your fertility (and your sex drive and energy levels).

Additionally, the company uses only CLIA- and College of American Pathologists (CAP)-certified labs. After receipt of your test results, LetsGetChecked’s team of nurses is available 24/7 for support. You can order one of LetsGetChecked’s testosterone test kits for $199. These test kits are flexible spending account (FSA) and health savings account (HSA)-eligible. For 25% off your purchase at checkout, enter the code: Verywell25.

Compare the Best At-Home Sperm Tests

CompanyCostTime to ResultsWhat’s Measured
Legacy For Today Kit Best for Testing and Freezing$395-$59048 hours after lab receives specimenSemen volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, motile sperm count, sperm morphology post-thaw analysis
Labcorp Men’s Rapid Fertility Test Best for Fast Results$1996 minutesSperm count
Fellow Semen Analysis Best for Semen Analysis$189UndeterminedSemen volume, sperm concentration and count, motility, morphology
MyLAB Box At Home Male Fertility Test Best for Fertility Tips$8910 minutesSperm count and motility
Proov Hers and His Fertility Starter Kit Best for Couples$1598 minutesMotile sperm concentration, ovarian reserve, hormone levels and most fertile days
Bird & Be At-Home Sperm Test Best Budget$80 (for two tests)20 minutesMotile sperm concentration and quality
LetsGetChecked Male Hormone Advanced Best for Additional Insights$1792-5 daysTestosterone, androgen index, prolactin, sex hormone binding globulin, estradiol, Cortisol

Who Are At-Home Sperm Tests For?

At-home sperm tests are for any person with a penis and testes who wants to get an accurate picture of their fertility. This can be for the purpose of trying to get pregnant or ensuring a vasectomy was successful. They can be useful for those who are considering trying to conceive or who have been struggling to conceive. However, if you’ve been struggling to conceive, you will likely want to go beyond the capability of an at-home test and consult a fertility specialist.

A hormone test like LetsGetChecked’s may also be useful because the hormones it measures help determine whether you can produce healthy sperm. If someone was assigned male at birth and is not developing masculine characteristics during puberty, the same tests will check levels of testosterone, which is a primary driver of masculinization.

The Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results (7)

Article Sources

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. How common is infertility?.

  2. Kumar N, Singh AK. Trends of male factor infertility, an important cause of infertility: a review of literature. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2015;8(4):191-196. doi:10.4103/0974-1208.170370

  3. Patel AS, Leong JY, Ramasamy R. Prediction of male infertility by the World Health Organization laboratory manual for assessment of semen analysis: a systematic review. Arab J Urol. 2017;16(1):96-102. doi:10.1016/j.aju.2017.10.005

  4. Smith LB, Walker WH. The regulation of spermatogenesis by androgens. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2014;30:2-13. doi:10.1016/j.semcdb.2014.02.012

  5. Sunder, M., & Leslie, S. W. (2024). Semen analysis. InStatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

The Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results (8)

By Natalie Rahhal
Natalie Rahhal is a journalist with eight years of experience covering primarily health and science, including as U.S. health editor for the Daily Mail.

Edited byApril McCormick

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The Best At-Home Sperm Tests for Reliable Results (2025)


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